Docetaxel-cisplatin-5-fluorourasil (DCF) protocol is one of the standard regimen at present however it is difficult to administer owing to high toxicity rates. The aim of study was to modify the dose of DCF regimen in order to render it more tolerable and to evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of modified DCF (mDCF) protocol. 267 patients followed in Ankara Numune Hospital were included in the study.All patients were administered mDCF regimen as metastatic first line treatment. Doses in mDCF arm was as follows: docetaxel 60 mg/ m 2 1. day, cisplatin 60 mg/m 2 1. day and 5-fluorouracil 600 mg/m 2 /day (1-5 days) every three weeks In the study, files of overall 267 patients who did not previously receive treatment were evaluated retrospectively. Median number of cycles in all patients was 6 (range 2-10). Median age of patients was 55 (range 22-76). Median follow up period was 9 months. Complete response 5 (1.9%) patients, partial response 74 (27.7%) patients and stable disease 95 (35.6%) patient. Median PFS was 6.0 (95%CI, 5.3-6.6) months, and median OS 10.0 (95% CI, 8.8-11.1) months. Parameters effect in univariate analysis were submitted to multivariate analysis results were CEA, grade, ECOG effective on OS. Grade 3-4 neutropenia was found 28.1%, anemia 11.6%, thrombocytopenia 4.1% and Febrile neutropenia 4.9%. Although mDCF regimen seems to be as effective as original DCF regimen, grade 3-4 toxicity rates were found to be lower. mDCF may be preferred as a tolerable and effective regimen in ECOG 0-2 metastatic gastric cancers. (1-5 günler) üç hastada bir olarak verildi. Çalışmada daha önce tedavi almamış 267 hastanın dosyaları retrospektif olarak incelendi.Hastaların aldığı median kür sayısı 6 (2-10), median yaş 55 (22-76) idi. Median takip süresi 9 ay idi. Tam yanıt 5 (1.9%) hastada, parsiyel yanıt 74 (%27.7) hastada, stabil hastalık 95 (%35.6) hastada tespit edildi. Median PFS 6.0 (%95 CI, 5.3-6.6) ay, median OS 10.0 (%95 CI, 8.8-11.1) ay olarak bulundu. Multivariate analizde OS üzerine etki eden faktörler CEA düzeyi, tümör greydi ve ECOG skoruydu.Grade 3-4 nötropeni %28.1, anemi %11.6, trombositopeni %4.1 olarak bulundu. Febril nötropeni oranı %4.9 idi. mDCF rejimi orijinal DCF rejimi kadar etkilidir, grade 3-4 toksisite oranları daha düşüktür. mDCF, ECOG 0-2 metastatik mide kanserinde etkili ve daha tolerabl bir rejim olarak tercih edilebilir.