Objectives: Calcineurin inhibitors are effective immunosuppressive agents, but associated adverse effects such as nephrotoxicity may limit efficacy. Dietary fish oil may minimize nephrotoxicity caused by long-term use of calcineurin inhibitors. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effects of omega-3 fatty acids on calcineurin inhibitor nephrotoxicity in rats that had normal kidney function or chronic kidney failure. Materials and Methods: Rats that had normal kidney function or chronic renal failure that was induced by mass reduction surgery were treated with tacrolimus without or with fish oil, fish oil alone, or olive oil. Kidney function and histology were evaluated after 14 days. Results: Mean body weight loss, serum creatinine, change in serum creatinine, and rate of decrease in creatinine clearance were greater in normal rats that received than did not receive tacrolimus. Tacrolimus nephrotoxicity was greater in rats that had chronic renal failure than normal kidney function, but the mean change in serum creatinine was significantly lower in rats with chronic renal failure that were treated with tacrolimus and fish oil than tacrolimus alone. Fish oil supplementation was associated with fewer abnormal histopathologic lesions in the kidneys of tacrolimustreated rats that had normal kidney function or chronic renal failure (not signifant). Conclusions: Fish oil may be protective against the development of kidney dysfunction and histopathologic changes in rats treated with tacrolimus.