Frank-Kasper (F-K) and quasicrystal phases were originally identified in metal alloys and only sporadically reported in soft materials. These unconventional sphere-packing schemes open up possibilities to design materials with different properties. The challenge in soft materials is how to correlate complex phases built from spheres with the tunable parameters of chemical composition and molecular architecture. Here, we report a complete sequence of various highly ordered mesophases by the self-assembly of specifically designed and synthesized giant surfactants, which are conjugates of hydrophilic polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane cages tethered with hydrophobic polystyrene tails. We show that the occurrence of these mesophases results from nanophase separation between the heads and tails and thus is critically dependent on molecular geometry. Variations in molecular geometry achieved by changing the number of tails from one to four not only shift compositional phase boundaries but also stabilize F-K and quasicrystal phases in regions where simple phases of spheroidal micelles are typically observed. These complex self-assembled nanostructures have been identified by combining X-ray scattering techniques and real-space electron microscopy images. Brownian dynamics simulations based on a simplified molecular model confirm the architecture-induced sequence of phases. Our results demonstrate the critical role of molecular architecture in dictating the formation of supramolecular crystals with "soft" spheroidal motifs and provide guidelines to the design of unconventional self-assembled nanostructures.self-assembly | Frank-Kasper phases | quasicrystal phases | giant surfactants | POSS I n addition to the close-packing schemes of identical atoms (such as hexagonal close-packing and face-centered cubic), atoms with different radii and electronic states in metal alloys are able to pack into more complex phases composed of spheres, such as the Frank-Kasper (F-K) phases (1, 2), which combine the Frank lattice (icosahedron with a coordination number of 12) and the Kasper lattice (with higher coordination numbers of 14, 15, and 16). A few F-K phases such as the A15-(space group of Pm 3n) and σ-(space group of P4 2 /mnm) phases are periodic approximants of different quasicrystals. Quasicrystals, first identified in supercooled metal alloys, are aperiodic, and possess 5-, 7-, 8-, 10-, or 12-fold rotational symmetry but no long-range translational periodicity (3-5). Stabilization of these phases in metals originates from both geometric factors and the tendency to enhance low orbital electron sharing due to fewer surface contacts among the atoms (6).F-K phases have also been identified in soft-matter systems, including small-molecule surfactants (7-9), block copolymers (10-12), dendrimers (13-15), liquid crystals (16, 17), colloidal particles (18), and, very recently, molecular giant tetrahedra (19). In contrast to metal alloys that use atoms as the motifs, organic/hybrid molecules first self-assemble into spheroidal motifs...