This paper investigates the dynamics of quantum correlations, specifically entanglement,
steering, and Local Quantum Uncertainty (LQU), in a bipartite qubit system coupled to independent,
isolated circular spin-star baths. Contrary to intuition, we demonstrate that substantial
quantum correlations can persist even in the absence of direct bath-bath interactions. Our findings
reveal that the symmetry of the system and initial atomic populations are critical factors
in facilitating robust steering and strong quantum correlations. We further show that increasing
the internal bath coupling can enhance the quantum correlations between the baths regardless of
indirect interaction. Conversely, increasing the internal bath coupling and bath-qubit coupling
can weaken the quantum correlations between the central qubits. Interestingly, indirect coupling
between the baths, mediated by the qubits, can lead to robust entanglement and steering. The
LQU provides deeper insights into the interplay between uncertainty and correlation. The initial
conditions minimize uncertainty and maximize correlations, while imbalances result in increased
LQU. These results have profound implications for quantum information processing and control,
offering potential strategies for optimizing quantum device performance and protocol design.