12Globally, average oceanic pH is dropping, and it will continue to decline into the foreseeable 13 future. This ocean acidification (OA) will exacerbate the natural fluctuations in pH that nearshore 14 ecosystems currently experience daily, potentially pushing marine organisms to their physiological 15 limits. Adults of Crepidula fornicata (the Atlantic slippersnail) have proven remarkably resilient to 16 many environmental changes, which is perhaps not surprising considering that they are common 17 intertidally, have a geographically large native range, and have been extremely successful at invading 18 coastal water in many other parts of the world. However, the larvae of C. fornicata have been shown 19 to be somewhat more vulnerable than adults to the effects of reduced pH. Research to date has focused 20 on the physiological impacts of OA on C. fornicata larvae; few studies have explored shifts in gene 21 expression resulting from changes in pH. In the present study, we examined the response of young (4-22 day old) C. fornicata larvae to two extreme OA treatments (pH 7.5 and 7.6) relative to pH 8.0, 23 documenting both phenotypic and genome-wide gene expression responses. We found that rearing 24 larvae at reduced pH had subtle influences on gene expression, predominantly involving 25 downregulation of genes related to growth and metabolism, accompanied by significantly reduced shell 26 growth rates only for larvae reared at pH 7.5. Additionally, 10-day old larvae that had been reared at 27 the two lower pH levels were far less likely to metamorphose within six hours when exposed to inducer. 28However, all larvae eventually reached similarly high levels of metamorphosis 24 hours after 29 settlement induction. Finally, there were no observed impacts of OA on larval mortality. Taken 30 together, our results indicate that far future OA levels have observable, but not severe, impacts on C. 31 fornicata larvae, which is consistent with the resilience of this invasive snail across rapidly changing 32 nearshore ecosystems. We propose that future work should delve further into the physiological and 33 transcriptomic responses of all life history stages to gain a more comprehensive understanding of how 34 OA impacts the intertidal gastropod C. fornicata. 35