Aim. To evaluate the immediate and distant results of treatment depending on the etiology of chronic venous insufficiency in the stage of decompensation.
Materials and methods. This work presents an analysis of the results of treatment of 342 patients of CEAP 6 with manifestations of chronic vein insufficiency on the background of varicose disease (VD) and post-thrombotic syndrome (PTS) in the surgical clinic of the Transcarpathian Regional Clinical Hospital named after A. Novak (Uzhhorod) for the last 10 years. At least 169 patients had VD (CEAP 6). Post-thrombotic syndrome (occlusive form) was observed in 173 patients (CEAP 6). The ratio of women to men in VD was 3:1, and in PTS was 3:2.
Results. In patients of group I (crossectomy + short stripping + distal scleroobliteration), postoperative complications developed in only 2 (4.3 %) patients in the form of suppuration of the operative wound on the thigh and lymphorrhea. With extended venectomy + SEPS, early postoperative complications were observed in 5 (6 %) patients: three patients had suppuration of the postoperative wound on the thigh, and two patients had lymphorrhea. In classical venectomy + Linton’s operation, inguinal wound suppuration occurred in 2 (5.3 %), lymphorrhea in 3 (7.9 %) patients. Suppuration of the postoperative wound on the lower leg was observed in another 3 (7.9 %) patients. The long-term outcomes in the patients of the group I were: 9 (19.1 %) patients had partial recanalization of the perforated veins of the group of great saphenous vein (GSV) on the lower leg, and one (2.1 %) had complete recanalization. Trophic ulcer (TU) did not heal in one patient after conservative treatment, relapse of TU occurred in 7 (4.1 %) patients. In patients of the group II thrombosis of the cross autovenous shunt (during Palma’s operation) in the early postoperative period was observed in 5 (8.5 %) patients, during autovenous shunting and Husni’s operation (transposition of the GSV into the popliteal vein) in no case. During Linton’s operation, suppuration of the postoperative wound was observed in 7 (15.9 %) cases. TU did not heal with conservative treatment in 5 (56 %) patients.
Conclusions. In the stage of decompensation of VD, pathogenetically justified treatment is crossectomy, venectomy with elimination of horizontal reflux in the zone of trophic ulcer. Trophic ulcers <5 cm and >2 cm deep I–II degrees are treated conservatively after surgery and heal independently within a year. Phlebectomy and CE of the affected limb are contraindicated in PTS. Pathogenetically justified method of treatment is reconstructive and restorative surgery to restore main blood flow with elimination of horizontal reflux in the zone of trophic ulcer.