This study aims to determine the relationship between decentralization,viewed from a fiscal and political perspective, and the quality ofroad infrastructure in Indonesian regions. This study uses paneldata of 32 provinces in Indonesia in the 2011–2018 and appliedpooled ordinary least square (OLS) estimation with individual fixedeffectsto capture time-variable estimation. Findings/Originality: Theresults show that special allocation funds (DAK) did not significantlyimprove the quality of damaged roads, although the correlation wasnegative. The apparent improvement in the damaged-road ratio ispresumed to be because the government is currently more focusedon the physical construction of roads than on maintenance, so thelevel/quality of road maintenance is still not optimal. The politicalcompetition was found to be negatively related to the improvementof the damaged-road ratio, indicating that political competitionimproved the quality of budget execution in road infrastructureprovision.How to Cite:Saragih, P. N., & Khoirunurrofik , K. (2022). Road Quality in Indonesia: Is It Linked to Special Allocation Funds and Political Competition? Signifikan: Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi, 11(1), 57-72.