The Eysenckian PEN System of personality (Eysenck 1991;Eysenck and Eysenck 1985), comprising the superfactors Psychotidsm (P), Extraversion (E), and Neuroticism (N), is used äs a means to locate different humorrelated traits. A sample of 159 German adults answered a sample of temperamental traits relating to the PEN System äs well äs five humorrelated questionnaires. The temperament inventories investigated comprised the A joint factor analysis yieldedfactorsof Extraversion, Psychotidsm, and Neuroticism. Primarily E (and to a minor extent P) appeared to be relevant for the location ofthe current humor questionnaires. The Extraverts' sense of humor seemed to be characterized by their greater susceptibility for positive affect, smiling and laughter, enjoyment of entertaining others, carefreeness, and their lower degree of seriousness. A separate factor analysis of the humor scales yielded factor s of surgency and seriousness, which Humor 7-3 (1994), 209-244. 0933-1719/94/0007-0209 © Walter de Gruyter Brought to you by | Michigan State University Authenticated Download Date | 6/12/15 8:52 PM 210 W. Ruch were associated with E and low P, respectively. An appraisal ofthe attempts to define andmeasure the sense ofhumor construct is undertaken.