The role of fermionic matter in the spectrum of the area operator is analysed using the Baez-Krasnov framework for quantum fermions and gravity. The result is that the fermionic contribution to the area of a surface S is equivalent to the contribution of purely gravitational spin network's edges tangent to S. Therefore, the spectrum of the area operator is the same as in the pure gravity case. PACS: 04.60.Ds, 04.20.Cv.Loop quantum gravity [1], the nonperturbative approach to quantum gravity, is nowadays a mathematically well-defined theory with a powerful predictive character (see [2] for a recent review). The theory is based on the Hamiltonian formulation of general relativity due to Ashtekar [3] which, as was shown in [4], is the ADM formulation of the (self-dual sector of the) Plebanski action [5]. At present, the theory is usually formulated in terms of the real SU(2) Ashtekar connection, whose use has been advocated by Barbero [6], and which can be obtained through a canonical transformation from the original complex Ashtekar variables.Amongst the most striking results of loop quantum gravity are the spectra of the area and volume operators [7][8][9], and the computation of the entropy of black holes [10]. These results point to the existence of discrete aspects of spacetime at the Planck length l P = Gh/c 3 .The research in loop quantum gravity is presently developing along three main directions.The first of these focuses on the physics of black holes [10,11]. The second deals with the the Hamiltonian constraint [12,13] and with Feynman-type formulations [14] of the quantum dynamics. The third studies the coupling of matter fields to quantum gravity. For instance, in [15] the contribution of the quantum states to the fermionic mass has been studied, while the possibility of a quantum-gravity induced vanishing of the cosmological constant has *