Very little is known about how type of substance use is comparatively related to a range of parenting behaviors. We conduct a preliminary examination to ascertain effects of substance type on physical abuse compared with other child discipline tactics with data from a telephone survey in 2009 of 3,023 parents in 50 cities in California. Kruskal-Wallis tests and hierarchical generalized linear models are conducted to determine the relationship between substance type and frequency of nonviolent discipline, corporal punishment, and child physical abuse. Type of drug used is differentially related to use of discipline strategies in multivariate models. Nonviolent discipline and corporal punishment show a dose-response relationship when a parent who reported using more substances also reported using both types of discipline more frequently. We suggest that addiction professionals should consider partnering with a specialist in child development or child welfare to conduct in-depth assessments of parenting strategies among the highest-risk groups, such as those with past-year alcohol use or a history of polysubstance use or methamphetamine use. Keywords Alcohol and other drug use; substance type; physical abuse; corporal punishment; nonviolent discipline Approximately 12% of children in the United States live with at least one parent who meets criteria for alcohol and/or other drug use disorders (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2014), with more children likely residing with at least one parent engaging in high-risk alcohol and/or other drug use (Manning, Best, Faulkner, & Titherington, 2009). This proportion of children exposed to parental substance use is a concern, given the higher likelihood of substance-using parents engaging in punitive parenting (Hien & Honeyman, 2000; Stith et al., 2009). Both parental substance use and child physical abuse are considered adverse childhood experiences (ACE); experiencing a cluster of these ACEs has been shown to be related to variety of physical health conditions