Post-crisis reforms have focused on how to make the banking system safer and, at the same SIB's qualified financial contracts that resulted in seizure and liquidation of collateral, substantial losses and a substantial outflow of liquidity in the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy. Finally, the summary examines how the Living Wills prepared by U.S. G-SIBs address a variety of obstacles to the SPOE strategy such as the sufficiency of resources, potential legal challenges to recapitalization, timely approval of emergency motions and cooperation with foreign regulators. This summary and selected primary documents served as the basis of a lively and productive discussion among participants in the workshop who included bankruptcy judges, leading bankruptcy practitioners, legal scholars, academic specialists in financial regulation, and regulators. The discussion took place under the Chatham House Rule and so the details cannot be shared publicly.We, nonetheless, hope that the attached briefing documents, which highlight the multiple challenges that must be addressed in implementing the resolution of a G-SIB under the U.S. bankruptcy code, will help facilitate additional discussion and debate.