Climate and environmental changes affect species' morphology and ecology; however, the response of a species to changes in abiotic and biotic factors is not always consistent. Here, we tested how the structural body size of the pine marten and its population sex ratio changed over time and alongside climate change. We analysed temporal changes in morphological traits using 11 measurements of pine marten skulls collected between 1903 to 2020, linking them with climatic and primary production variations. We assessed demographic changes by calculating temporal sex ratio changes over 61 years. Skull size, as a proxy of body size, increased in response to warmer and less snowy winters, with a three-year time-lag. However, changes in primary productivity rapidly shaped postorbital constriction regardless of body size changes and without time-lags, potentially demonstrating increased diet diversity in pine marten. According to climate change, the population sex ratio has skewed towards males over time. Our results suggest that climate conditions and primary production affect skull structural size, highlighting the potential various responses of pine marten morphology and ecology in relation to climate change. Recently changing population demographics, as a consequence of these processes, may constitute a threat to marten populations.