This study develops a new way to model the emotional impact on a particular individual (person,group,...) that may have feelings, to any event or any information. The significance of an event or aninformation depends on the person undergoing it. Each person reacts emotionally differently to a samesituation in terms of intensity and/or type of emotion. A particular same event is therefore perceivedsubjectively different by each individual. The reason is that each person has his own personality, hisown experience, his own history, his own education and tradition ...In this study, we assume that all the Events / Information have common interpretable points relativeto each individual: Who is in the event ?, What is done? When it is done? Where it is done?How often/much it is done? Why it is done? and How it is done? Each element of the vector[Who; What; When; Where; How Much; Why; How] will be called as an emotional stimulus andwill be mathematically modeled relatively to the studied individual. These stimuli, interpreted differentlyby each individual, will be the starting point for the creation of emotions at different intensities. Theobjective of this study is to mathematically link these different stimuli to the intensity of the resultingemotions following an event relatively to an individual.