According to the orthodox interpretation of bounce cosmologies, the universe was born from an entropy reducing phase in a previous universe. To defend the thesis that the whole of physical reality was caused to exist a finite time ago, William Lane Craig and co-author James Sinclair have argued the low entropy interface between universes should instead be understood as the beginning of two universes. Here, I present Craig and Sinclair with a dilemma. On the one hand, if the direction of time is reducible, as friends of the Mentaculus -e.g., David Albert, Barry Loewer, and David Papineau -maintain, then there is reason to think that the direction of time and the entropic arrow of time align. But on that account, efficient causation is likely reducible to non-causal phenomena. In consequence, contrary to Craig and Sinclair's theological aims, things can begin to exist without causes. On the other hand, if the direction of time is not reducible, Craig and Sinclair's interpretation of bounce cosmologies is unjustified. Lastly, a reply to a potential objection motivates a discussion of how to interpret bounce cosmologies on the tensed theory of absolute time favored by Craig and Sinclair. I offer two interpretations of bounce cosmologies that, given a tensed theory of absolute time, are preferable to those Craig and Sinclair offer, yet inconsistent with their project in natural theology; on one interpretation, the universe does not require a supernatural cause and, on the other, bounce cosmologies represent the universe as never having begun to exist.The universe began in a special state, with a stupendously and surprisingly small value of the universe's entropy, approximately fourteen billion years ago. According to the orthodox interpretation of one family of cosmological models -that I will refer to as 'bounce cosmologies' -the low entropy of our universe's beginning can be explained by an entropy reducing phase in a previous universe. Nonetheless, William Lane Craig, and his sometimes co-author James Sinclair, have brought the orthodox interpretation into question. They defend the Kalam Cosmological Argument for Theism Sinclair [2009, 2012]):1. Everything which begins to exist has a cause for its existence.2. The universe began to exist.3. Therefore, the universe has a cause for its existence.Proponents of the Kalam argument go on to argue that God is the only plausible candidate for the cause of the universe's existence. Nonetheless, on the orthodox interpretation, if a bounce cosmology were shown to be a good approximation of the universe we inhabit, we would have an alternative explanation for the universe's beginning to exist, that is, the physical states in the entropy reducing phase prior to our universe. Craig and Sinclair have argued that the orthodox interpretation is incorrect; in their view, the direction of time is indicated by the direction of entropy increase. So, instead of interpreting the interface between the two universes as the death of one universe and the birth of another, Craig and Sinclair...