This paper focusseses on the strategic use of Örmsí R&D agreements to overcome R&D ine¢ciencies in presence of asymmetric information and research spillovers. We introduce a duopoly game where initially one Örm is not fully informed on its rivalís R&D productivity. We show that, without R&D agreements, the usual underinvestment problem can be exacerbated by the presence of asymmetric information. However, by proposing a R&D agreement, the uninformed Örm may not only gain from the internalization of R&D investment spillovers, but also use it strategically as a screening device to assess the true type of its rival. According to the model, Örms are more likely to pursuit R&D agreements in presence of similar productivity and less when their productivity gap is high. This is consistent with the empirical Öndings highlighting the importance of Örmsí similarities for R&D collaborations.