We present a simple visual form of duality. It can be derived from SU(3) couplings for trajectories and the absence of resonances in most exotic channels, and has many physical implications.The complementary description of reactions by Regge poles or_ resonances has come to be known as "duality." For inelastic processes most fchannel trajectories behave as if "built" of direct-channel resonances. 1 The identification of Pomeranchukon (P) exchange with background completes this picture. 2 If the f-channel exchange of a given SU(3) representation is to give no "exotic" s -channel contributions, 3 families of trajectories must obey severe constraints, which seem true in nature. 4 This suggests an underlying redundancy in the usual Regge descriptions.In this note we show this to be so; adding duality to the usual Regge model suggests the following simple rule for seeing many of these constraints: (1) Represent mesons by qq and baryons by qqq.(2) Write all "connected" graphs as in Fig. 1. (3) A given graph will then exhibit duality among the channels in which it can be written in "planar" form, i.e., without quark lines crossing one another. FIG. 1. Connected graphs for four-point functions. (a) Graph with an imaginary part at high s. (b) Gfraph with no imaginary part at high s. (c) Graph for baryonantibaryon scattering with an imaginary part at high s.Graphs for AB-~ CD will be "planar" in two channels. For example, Fig. 1(a) is "planar" in the s and t channels. It represents baryons in s and mesons in t. The imaginary parts corresponding to s-channel baryon intermediate states will thus "build" an imaginary part for high s if duality is valid. On the other hand Fig. 1(b) is "planar" in u and t. There are no s-channel resonances to build an imaginary part; so we expect such graphs to be purely real at high s ? We now verify these properties in the SU(3) Regge model.We define a "non-P" amplitude 5 \ABCD] for AB -~ DC with normalization such that a T (AB)-a T (AB)| pom = Im{A2?BA} \ t = Q & L /P L v), (D where y = |(S-M). For 0"" meson (M)-| + baryon (B) scattering, {±BCD}~A'(i>, t) and for f = 0 BB or BB scattering it is related to the sum of the two helicity-nonflip /-channel amplitudes. According to the usual Regge description 6 ^B CD \-7ZZ^DEA^CEB^ \fixed t) ±l-expH7ra E (*)]/ v\ a E^ sinffa (0 (2)where E = T (2 + ) or V (1""), the tilde denotes charge conjugation, and the sign is (-, +) for E = (T, V). Assuming SU(3) and "ideal" nonet mixing, and using 3x3 matrices and angular brackets for their trace, we have 6 g M X TM 2(4) + F E< S l&' B 2 ] -}