Nuclear envelope (NE) irregularity is an important diagnostic feature of cancer, and its molecular basis is not understood. One possible cause is abnormal postmitotic NE re-assembly, such that a rounded contour is never achieved before the next mitosis. Alternatively, dynamic forces could deform the NE during interphase following an otherwise normal postmitotic NE re-assembly. To distinguish these possibilities, normal human thyroid epithelial cells were microinjected with the papillary thyroid carcinoma oncogene (RET/PTC1 short isoform, known to induce NE irregularity), an attenuated version of RET/PTC1 lacking the leucine zipper dimerization domain (RET/PTC1 ⌬zip), H (V-12) RAS, and labeled dextran. Cells were fixed at 6 or 18 to 24 hours, stained for lamins and the products of microinjected plasmids, and scored blindly using previously defined criteria for NE irregularity. 6.5% of non-injected thyrocytes showed NE irregularity. Neither dextran nor RAS microinjections increased NE irregularity. In contrast, RET/PTC1 microinjection induced NE irregularity in 27% of cells at 6 hours and 37% of cells at 18 to 24 hours. RET/PTC1 ⌬zip induced significantly less irregularity. Since irregularity develops quickly, and since no mitoses and only rare possible postmitotic cells were scored, postmitotic NE re-assembly does not appear necessary for RET/PTC signaling to induce an irregular NE contour. An irregularity in nuclear shape is a common diagnostic abnormality in cancer cells, yet surprisingly little is known about the structural basis of this change or its functional significance. The large-scale organization of the nuclear envelope (NE) defines nuclear shape. The NE consists of two lipid bilayers, nuclear pores, and the nuclear lamina (reviewed in 1-4 ). One lipid bilayer is the outer nuclear membrane, which is continuous with the endoplasmic reticulum. To date, no biochemical difference is known to distinguish the outer nuclear membrane or its membraneassociated proteins from the endoplasmic reticulum. In contrast, the inner nuclear membrane facing chromatin contains a number of membrane-associated proteins that are specific to this lipid bilayer. In turn, the membraneassociated proteins of the inner nuclear membrane are tightly associated with the intermediate filament proteins, called lamins, to form the chromatin-associated nuclear lamina. 2,5,6 The inner nuclear lipid bilayer is continuous with the outer nuclear membrane at nuclear pores. Nuclear pores regulate vectorial import and export between the nucleus and cytoplasm. 7 Irregularity of NE shape, from any cause, could theoretically affect a number of cell physiologies. Nuclear lamina proteins are involved in determining replication competence 8 -14 and organizing transcription by binding to and segregating heterochromatin 15 (reviewed in 16 ). Consistent with a role in organizing transcription, large-scale localization of genes near the NE is associated with transcriptional silencing. 17 Theoretically the function of nuclear pores could be altered within...