Abstract-The design space of a robotic application defines at a meta level what are all of its possible implementations. Those possibilities are called design alternatives and differ on many different aspects, one being preferred to the other depending on how, where, when or what the application should do. Design Space Exploration (DSE) is the process of reviewing those design alternatives, prior to their implementation, with intention to verify that the set of all design alternatives to be implemented covers all the possible scenarios in which the application is to be executed. In this paper we address two challenges related to DSE, namely, (1) the formal definitions of design spaces, a non-trivial task due to the many dimensions to be taken into consideration, and (2) the automatisation of DSE, that is, enabling a domain expert to review design alternatives corresponding to a given design space effortlessly. In this paper, we address those challenges in the context of robot perception software systems by combining two already existing technologies, namely RPSL for the specification of robot perception system's design spaces and Lightning, a language workbench that we use to formalise RPSL and obtain, from RPSL specifications, corresponding design alternatives.