PACS 75.30.Ds -Spin waves PACS 75.60.Ch -Domain walls and domain structure Abstract -Momentum transfer from incoming magnons to a Bloch domain wall is calculated using one dimensional continuum micromagnetic analysis. Due to the confinement of the wall in space, the dispersion relation of magnons is different from that of a single domain. This mismatch of dispersion relations can result in reflection of magnons upon incidence on the domain wall, whose direct consequence is a transfer of momentum between magnons and the domain wall. The corresponding counteraction force exerted on the wall can be used for the control of domain wall motion through magnonic linear momentum transfer, in analogy with the spin transfer torque induced by magnonic angular momentum transfer.Ever since its first proposal, manipulation of domain wall motion (DWM) using means other than the conventional magnetic field becomes one focus of the current research in nanomagnetism. The stimulus behind such intense investigation to find new ways for control of DWM is obvious, given the potential application of magnetic domain walls (DWs) as logic elements [1] and information storage bits [2]. Hydromagnetic drag [3], spin transfer torque (STT) [4,5] and momentum transfer (MT) force [6] due to the flow of electrons in metallic materials were proposed, and STT driven DWM was already demonstrated experimentally [7,8]. In contrast, using another important elementary excitation, magnons, to affect the motion of DW comes into horizon only recently. Magnon mediated electric current drag in a normal metal/ferromagnetic insulator/normal metal structure was studied by considering the interplay between electrical current and magnon current [9]. Magnonic STT was demonstrated, employing micromagnetic simulation and analytical calculation [10]. The main difference, or advantage, of magnonic STT compared to the conventional electronic STT lies on the fact that it is mediated by the flow of magnons, rather than electrons. Hence, in contrast to conventional STT whose operation requires the use of ferromagnetic metals, magnonic STT can work in ferromagnetic insulators, ame-(a) E-mail: (b) E-mail: liorating significantly the Joule heating problem in metals. However, the MT due to the reflection of magnons by a DW is rarely discussed, simply because magnons travel in an infinitely-extended one-dimensional (1D) wall without any reflection [10][11][12]. The only effect of the presence of a DW is a wave-number dependent phase shift. For a 1D DW confined in space, the situation is different. Due to the fact that the magnon excitation spectrum of the DW is different from that of a single domain, magnons incident on the DW get reflected, with a frequency-sensitive coefficient of reflection. As magnons are reflected back, a counteraction force is exerted on the DW and can be used to initiate DWM [13].In the presence of pure magnonic STT, DWs will move opposite to the propagation direction of the incident spin wave (SW) [10]. However,...