This study examines the relationship between the US and Indian prices of gold and silver. The purpose of the study is to examine the relationship between gold prices of US and India and the relationship between silver prices of US and India by using the data from 2009 to 2019. To achieve the aim of the study various models like Augmented Dickey Fuller Test, Granger Causality Test, and Johansen Cointegration Test are used. Granger Causality Test and Johansen Cointegration Test are used for testing the cointegration and causality between the gold prices of US and India and the silver prices of US and India. The results explained there is causality between the gold prices of US and India in short period, and there is a long term cointegration between US gold price and Indian gold price. It was found that in the case of silver, there is a short-term relationship between US silver price and Indian silver price, and there is no change in prices of silver of US with a change in prices of silver in India in the long term.