The paper is a qualitative analysis of the dynamics of political vigilantism in the fourth republic of Ghana. The goal is to contribute to the understanding of the dynamics of political vigilantism and the behaviors and interactions of actors in the political processes of Ghana. The paper deployed the SPITCEROW model as the framework of analysis of political vigilantism in Ghana. Political vigilante violence increases during general elections in Ghana. In 2024, Ghana will hold general elections. Some Ghanaians are concerned that the country may witness a recurrence of increase vigilante violence and activities in the 2024 general elections. We take the view that understanding the dynamics and complexities in political vigilantism is essential in combating it. The paper draws data from secondary sources including research reports, articles, and online news reports. The analysis demonstrates that the dynamics of political vigilantism in Ghana are complex, multidimensional, and fluid. The analysis further indicates that unaddressed structural deficiencies in the Ghanaian society create fertile grounds for the birth, growth and thriving of vigilante groups and activities. Vigilante tactics range from physical to emotional, psychological, and verbal. There are multiple actors with varied behaviors, positions, interests, identities, and needs in political vigilantism. Therefore, we argued that multilevel interventions are necessary for confronting the multilayered conditions that are responsible for the emergence and thriving of political vigilante groups. We concluded that any effort that is aimed at dealing with political vigilantism in Ghana without addressing the structural sources may not produce sustainable outcomes.