Bacteria can account for a large fraction of total NH,' uptake in both pelagic and benthic marine environments. 15N natural abundance was examined to understand the effect of NH,' uptake by bacteria on nitrogen isotope biogeochemistry. Isotope fractionation (E) for NH,' uptake by the marine bacterium Vibrio harveyi changed from -4 to -277~ when cells were grown on 23-l 82 PM NH,+ and then from -27 to -14Ya when the NH;' concentration increased to 23.3 mM. Changes in fractionation correlated with a switch in the pathway of NH,' uptake from membrane diffusion of NH, and assimilation catalyzed by glutamate dehydrogcnase at millimolar NH,' to active ammonium transport (Amt) and assimilation catalyzed by glutamine synthetase (GS) at micromolar NH,+. This transition occurred between 0.1 and I mM NH,+. Within this concentration range, cellular N demand was no longer supported by Fickian diffusion of NH:, and Amt activity increased. The isotope fractionation of whole cells with the highest GS activity (E = -4%) and that measured for the GS-catalyzed reaction in vitro (E = -8%; pH = 7