Cellular Neural Network (CNN) finds application in a wide array of parallel processing tasks, such as image processing, non-linear operations, generating geometric maps, and high-speed computations. Functioning as an analogue paradigm, CNN comprises an array of cells interconnected at a local level. These cells can be arranged in an array of $m \times n$ identical cells in a rectangular grid. Graphical representation is achieved by representing cells as vertices and their connections as edges, denoted as $\Gamma_{m,n}$. This paper aims to compute spectrum based results for the CNN. To accomplish this, we determine the Laplacian and the signless Laplacian eigenvalues of $\Gamma_{m,n}$. Utilising these results, we derive a comprehensive set of network-related parameters, including the Kirchhoff index, average path length, mean first passage time, the number of spanning trees, the Estrada index, and the resolvent Estrada index. Furthermore, we delve into graph-related parameters encompassing graph energy and spectral radius to gain deeper insights into the characteristics of $\Gamma_{m,n}$. To streamline our analysis, we design an algorithm to calculate the network-related parameters, as mentioned earlier. Moreover, results are enhanced by the inclusion of numerical tables and vibrant 3D plots that visually depict Laplacian and signless Laplacian energies for specific configurations. Finally, we underscore the application of energy for image segmentation by selecting suitable CNN sizes based on energy, which provides precise results that reduce evaluation time and significantly enhance diagnostic accuracy in image processing.
2020 Mathematics Subject Classification. 05C50, 05C76, 05C90, 68R10, 94C15.