Conjugate addition reactions of cuprate reagents to t-leucine-derived N-enoyl 1,3-oxazolidin-2-ones proceed with high diastereofacial differentiation. Additional functional groups in the substrates like enoate, acetal, and hydrazone moieties are readily tolerated.Conjugate addition reactions to a,b-unsaturated carbonyl compounds are among the most fundamental C-C-bond forming reactions in organic synthesis. 1 In the past substantial progress has been achieved with regard to the issue of absolute sterochemical control in this reaction. Chiral Michael donors 2 as well as chiral Michael acceptors 3 and most recently chiral catalysts 4 have been developed towards this goal. In particular, chiral auxiliaries attached to a,b-unsaturated carboxylic acids have proven to be very useful chiral controllers, e. g. 1,3-oxazolidin-2-ones, 3a-c camphersultams, 3d,e and 1,3-imidazolidin-2-ones. 3f-h For example, Hruby and Williams have reported asymmetric cuprate additions to N-enoyl 1,3-oxazolidin-2-ones derived from phenylglycine and phenylalanine with the former one being the superior chiral auxiliary in most cases. 3a,b The asymmetric induction, however, was not generally high. Reactions with phenyl-, allyl-, and vinylcuprates turned out to be excellent, whereas simple alkylcuprates gave inferior results. Davies developed the "quat"-1,3-oxazolidin-2-ones as chiral auxiliaries which were superior to the usual 1,3-oxazolidin-2-ones. 5 On the other hand, Kunz and co-workers have reported diastereoselective conjugate addition reactions of dialkylaluminum chlorides to sugar-derived Nenoyl 1,3-oxazolidin-2-ones with very high levels of absolute stereocontrol. 6In the course of our investigations to evaluate the synthetic potential of the products of the silyloxy-Cope rearrangement of syn-aldols 7 we have had the occasion to study conjugate addition reactions to chiral a,b-unsaturated imides. Because the chiral induction displayed by the standard 4-benzyl-1,3-oxazolidin-2-one was unsatisfactory in accordance to the results reported by others, we turned our attention to the bulkier 4-tert-butyl-1,3-oxazolidin-2-one derived from the unnatural amino acid t-leucine. This auxiliary had already been recommended for Diels-Alder reactions of difficult substrates by Evans 8 and was used for hetero Diels-Alder reactions of 1-oxabutadienes by Tietze. 9 It is now commercially available from various sources.As a model compound crotonoyl imide 1 was treated with various types of cuprate reagents among which the Yamamoto-type monoorganocuprate/Lewis acid combination or the Normant-type mono-and diorganocuprate reagents turned out to be the most satisfactory ones (Scheme 1). Thus, for example, reaction of 1 with 3 equivalents of BuCu·LiI in the presence of either Me 2 AlCl or BF 3 ·OEt 2 in THF at -78°C gave the diastereoisomeric addition products 2b and 3b in good yields, but in different ratios (Table 1, Entries 2 and 3). Whereas the Me 2 AlCl-mediated reaction gave the stereoisomer 2b with the excellent stereoselection of >95:5, the opposite st...