National culture has been overlooked in discussions related to research output and impact owing to individual, socio-political structure, and economic factors. This study shows the relationships between the dimensions of cultural value orientation of the nation and research output & impact. More than 60 countries were included, and Spearman correlation analysis was employed. The variables were taken from Geert Hofstede and Scimago Journal & Country Rank worksheets. This study found that (1) Power distance - the positive inclination of the culture toward power disparities among people - is negatively correlated with research impact; (2) Individualism - the level of independence a society keeps up among its individuals - are positively correlated with research output and research impact; (3) Indulgence - the degree to which society members do not attempt to control their urges - is positively correlated with research impact; and (4) after controlling the Log GDP per capita, uncertainty avoidance - the manner in which that a society seeks to manage the actuality that the future can never be controlled - is negatively correlated with research impact.