Danger signals elicit an immediate behavioural response as well as a prolonged increase in sensitivity to threats. We investigated the alarm response in larval zebrafish to identify neural circuits underlying such transitions. 5-7 day old larvae react to the alarm substance (Schreckstoff ) by increased intervals between swim bouts and extended immobility. Calcium imaging indicates that olfactory sensory neurons innervating a lateral glomerulus detect the substance. Several telencephalic regions including the entopeduncular nucleus are also activated, with sustained activity outlasting stimulus delivery observable in the lateral habenula, posterior tuberculum, superior raphe, locus coeruleus, and periaqueductal gray. Consistent with the idea that these changes are related to an increased sensitivity to threats, larvae show increased dark avoidance after Schreckstoff removal. These results demonstrate that danger cues activate multiple brain circuits resulting in the expression of a continuum of defensive behaviors, some of which extend beyond stimulus detection. 4 system-wide changes to counter risk [1]. Regions of the vertebrate brain that process 5 and execute immediate responses, such as the freeze or the flight responses [23, 30], and 6 those mediating sustained responses [17, 56] have been identified in past studies [42].7Neuromodulators such as serotonin [12] and norepinephrine [26] have also been identified 8 as having critical roles. However, a whole-brain view of the neural dynamics when 9 transitions in central states [47] occur in an animal in response to a threat is lacking.
10Here, we explored the use of larval zebrafish, where in vivo brain-wide imaging of 11 neural activity can be conducted with relative ease [14,24], to examine neural circuits 12 1/15 and their dynamics during the transition in brain state in response to danger. As a 13 danger cue, we turned to alarm substances (or Schreckstoff ). These are released upon 14 physical injury to an individual and elicit a striking Schreckreaktion, or an alarm 15 response, in the entire shoal [16,25,36,48]. In general, the detection of such a cue results 16 in an immediate change in locomotion [28,49]. In zebrafish, in addition, other changes 17 such as an increase in anxiety-like behaviors remain even after the removal of the 18 cue [32,38], making it a good system to examine the steps in changes in central states. 19 Whether early zebrafish larvae (5-7 day old) ideally suited for whole-brain imaging 20show a Shreckreaktion has been debated. One study examined the ontogeny of the 21 response in zebrafish in detail by quantifying behavioral parameters associated with 22 45 Experimental methods 46 Are described in detail in extended supplementary data. 47 51 characterized and identified quantifiable parameters associated with normal swimming 52of 5-7 dpf larvae in this type of chamber over a period of 30 minutes. As described in 53 the past for larvae of an equivalent age [11], larvae swam in short bouts (Fig 1A, 1B). 54 Larvae explored the entire chamb...