including behaviors related to anxiety, depression, somatic complaints and withdrawal) associated with changes in eating or sleeping habits, social withdrawal, violence, drug abuse, changes in personality, and teenage suicide (Liu et al. 2011). Externalizing, or behavioral, problems (including aggressive and oppositional behaviors, inattention/hyperactivity and emotion dysregulation are outward-directed symptoms (Jaspers et al. 2012) associated with poorer educational achievement, work incapacity in young adulthood and antisocial personality disorder (Narusyte et al. 2017).The prevalence of internalizing and externalizing problems in Spanish adolescents was reported to be 22.6% and 14.6%, respectively (Ortuño-Sierra et al. 2014). Pre-and postnatal environmental exposures, including outdoor, indoor, chemical and lifestyle exposures, have been related to internalizing and behavioral problems (Maitre et al. 2021;