We related rod to horizontal cell synaptic transfer to glutamate release by rods. Simultaneous intracellular records were obtained from dark-adapted rod-horizontal cell pairs. Steadystate synaptic gain (defined as the ratio of horizontal cell voltage to rod voltage evoked by the same light stimulus) was 3.35 Ϯ 0.60 for dim flashes and 1.50 Ϯ 0.03 for bright flashes. Under conditions of maintained illumination, there was a measurable increment of horizontal cell hyperpolarization for each light-induced increment of rod hyperpolarization over the full range of rod voltages.In separate experiments we studied glutamate release from an intact, light-responsive photoreceptor layer, from which inner retinal layers were removed. Steady light reduced glutamate release as a monotonic function of intensity; spectral sensitivity measures indicated that we monitored glutamate release from rods. The dependence of glutamate release on rod voltage was well fit by the activation function for a high-voltage-activated, dihydropyridine-sensitive L-type calcium current, suggesting a linear dependence of glutamate release on [Ca] i in the synaptic terminal. A simple model incorporating this assumption accounts for the steady-state gain of the rod to horizontal cell synapse.Key words: Xenopus; photoreceptor; rod; synaptic gain; horizontal cell; glutamate release; calcium In vertebrate retinas, the photoreceptors (rods and cones) and the second-order retinal neurons (horizontal and bipolar cells) all are nonspiking neurons with light-evoked responses that are slow potentials of complex waveform, graded in amplitude with stimulus intensity. Glutamate, the transmitter used by both rods and cones (Copenhagen and Jahr, 1989;Marc et al., 1990) is released at a steady rate in darkness (Schmitz and Witkovsky, 1996). Light, by hyperpolarizing the photoreceptor membrane, decreases glutamate release (for review, see Wu, 1994).At synapses between spiking cells, types N and P calcium channels are most often implicated in the gating of neurotransmitter release (for review, see Olivera et al., 1994;Regehr and Mintz, 1994;Katz et al. 1995). In contrast, at a tonic retinal synapse for which a depolarizing bipolar cell is the presynaptic element, transmitter release is controlled by a dihydropyridinesensitive L -type calcium current (Heidelberger and Matthews, 1992;Tachibana et al., 1993). Rods and cones also possess an L-type C a current (Bader et al., 1982;Corey et al., 1984;Barnes and Hille, 1989;Lasater and Witkovsky, 1991;Wilkinson and Barnes, 1996), and there is evidence that it underlies exocytosis (Rieke and Schwartz, 1996) and glutamate release (Schmitz and Witkovsky, 1997). In contrast to the depolarizing bipolar cell, however, light hyperpolarizes the photoreceptor, bringing its membrane into a voltage range (ϽϪ45 mV) in which the L-type Ca current, as characterized by whole-cell patch-clamp recordings (Corey et al., 1984;Wilkinson and Barnes, 1996), becomes too small to measure. A main concern of the present study is whether the L-type Ca ...