The nature of resistive transition of high-quality crystalline thin films of YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7−δ has been studied under magnetic fields (H) applied along the c direction over a wide range of doped holes, p, in the CuO 2 planes. The field-and temperature-dependent in-plane resistivity, ρ ab (T, H), has been analyzed within the thermally assisted flux-flow (TAFF) formalism. The flux activation energy, U(T, H), has been extracted from this analysis. The low-T part of the ρ ab (T, H) data can be described by an activation energy having the functional form of U(T, H) = (1 −t) m (H 0 /H) −β , where t = T /T c (reduced temperature), and H 0 is a field scale that primarily determines the magnitude of U(T, H). The temperature exponent, m, shows a systematic variation with p, whereas the field exponent, β , is insensitive to the p values and is close to unity. The H 0 , on the other hand, changes rapidly as p is varied. U(T, H) is linked to the pinning potential and consequently on the superconducting condensation energy. Since the normal state pseudogap directly affects superconducting condensation energy, a clear correspondence between H 0 and the PG energy scale, ε g , is found. Possible implications of these results are discussed.