İnterskalen brakiyal pleksus blok uygulamalarında ultrason ve sinir stimülatörü tekniklerinin etkinliklerinin karşılaştırılmasıThe comparison of the effectiveness of the ultrasound and peripheral nerve stimulating techniques during interscalen block
AbstractThere are potential advantages and disadvantages during ultrasonographic and peripheral nerve stimulating techniques in interscalen plexus blockade. In this study, we aimed to compare the sensory and motor blockade onset time and the duration of postoperative analgesic requirement during interscalen blockade performed with ultrasound and peripheral nerve stimulating techniques. Sixty patients in ASA (American Society of Anesthesiologysts) 1-2 groups were accepted in this prospective and double blind study for the shoulder surgery. Twenty-five ml 0.5% Levobupivacaine was administered to each patient group. The sensory blockade was evaluated with Pinprick test and the motor blockade was evaluated with the Bromage Scale. The duration of the sensorial and the motor blockade and the duration of postoperative first analgesic requirement were noted. The demographic data were similar between the groups. The onset time of sensorial and the motor blockades in group U was significantly shorter than in group S and the first analgesic requirement time in group U was significantly longer than in group S. During the interscalen blockade performed with ultrasound and peripheral nerve stimulator, it was observed that the sensorial and motor blockade was developed faster and the duration of first analgesic requirement was longer with ultrasound technique. Furthermore, it was determined that postoperative patient comfort score was more satisfied by ultrasound technique.