Abstract. The RISING setup at the GSI-FRS facility was used to investigate the isomer and beta decays in N∼Z∼50 Cd, Ag and Pd isotopes. A preliminary analysis of the data has revealed new results on the Tz=1, 94 Pd, 96 Ag and 98 Cd isotopes. In 94 Pd a new high-spin isomer was observed, whilst in 96 Ag 3 new isomeric states were identified, including core-excited states. In 98 Cd a new high-energy isomeric γ-ray transition is observed, thus enabling us to confirm the previous spin assignment for the core-excited 12 + isomer.
IntroductionIt is expected that for N=Z nuclei the isospin mixing between T=0 and T=1 will be the largest, which will be reflected in the observed γ and β decays. There are many theoretical shell-model predictions for the nuclei around the N=Z=50 shell closure. The shell-model calculations and the experimental information on spin-gap isomers in the 94 Pd, 96 Ag and 98 Cd isotopes prior to this work is summarized in References [1,2].