A thin (100 m) cover of fiat-lying, Recent, calcite-rich tuff at Ndale near Fort Portal, Uganda, unconformably overlies steeply dipping Precambrian metamorphic rocks. It is locally radioactive owing to uranium-rich pyrochlore minerals and lesser amounts of zircon, monazite, titanite, and an unidentified thorium phosphate. In one concentrate, four grains of uranpyrochlore and one grain of uranoan pyrochlore showed a positive linear correlation of Ti with U, and negative linear correlations of Ti with Na, F and Sr. Ta remained high and relatively constant [11 anal., ave. 14.5 (0.6)% Ta2Os]. In the same concentrate the composition of a separate grain of uranoan pyrochlore did not plot on these lines and Ta was comparatively low [2 anal., ave. 4.5 (0.3)% Ta2Qs]. The data suggest two separate paths of differentiation. However, zoned grains were not 0bse~ed. Unit cells were cubic with a = 10.351 + 0.002,~ for a grain with 12.9% UOt~ ~ and 10.333 + 0.002~ for a grain with 26.6% UO[ ~ On heating in air the cell size decreased, possibly due to Qxidation of U 4+, The crystalline nature of these minerals can be attributed to a very young (4000-5000 yr) geological age.