“…Use radiofrequency (RF) sensory mapping or periradicular infiltration to locate most affected areas prior to trial 88,103,135,235 Discogenic pain L2 9,77,82 or T12 2,3,8,125 Post-knee replacement syndrome L 2,3,4 12,81,102,104,121,123 Pudendal neuralgia L1 and S2 144 Postherpetic neuralgia At level DRG, or above and below affected dermatome 136,137,142,236 Post-thoracotomy syndrome At the affected level(s) 136,142,236 Post-herniorrhaphy syndrome L1 followed by T12 and L2 104,105,236,237 Abdominal and abdominal wall pain Dermatomal distribution 97,[115][116][117]147 Sacroiliac joint pain/adjacent segment syndrome of the SI joint T12 and L1 or S1 8,104 Region of Body Hand and elbow C5/6/7/8 14,121,136 Hip joint T12/L1, L4, and S1 81,123 Breast T3-T7 137,238 Knee L2, L3, and L4 81,…”