P Pu ul lm mo on na ar ry y h ha ae em mo od dy yn na am mi ic cs s i in n a aw wa ak ke e r ra at ts s f fo ol ll lo ow wi in ng g t tr re ea at tm me en nt t w wi it th h e en nd do ot tr ra ac ch he ea al l p pa an nc cr re ea at ti ic c e el la as st ta as se e ABSTRACT: The purpose of this paper was to study pulmonary haemodynamics in an elastase-induced emphysema model in awake rats (Group-EL, n=9) in comparison with saline-treated controls (Group-C, n=12). Four weeks before haemodynamic study, porcine pancreatic elastase and normal saline were intratracheally instilled in Group-EL and Group-C, respectively. Indwelling pulmonary artery and abdominal aortic catheters were positioned two days before the haemodynamic study.Breathing room air, mean pulmonary artery pressure (Ppa) tended to be higher in Group-EL than in Group-C, although the difference was not statistically significant. Systemic pressure, total systemic vascular resistance and cardiac index did not differ between groups. When exposed to 10% O 2 , Ppa and pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) of both groups rose significantly. The increase of Ppa, (but not PVR) in Group-EL during hypoxia was significantly higher than that in Group-C. The magnitude of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (HPV) tended to be larger in Group-EL than in Group-C. Right ventricles of Group-EL were more hypertrophic than those of Group-C, suggesting a period of higher pulmonary artery pressure than for Group-C.The present results imply that the pressor response of pulmonary vasculature to acute alveolar hypoxia is possibly enhanced in awake rats upon examination four weeks after elastase treatment. Eur Respir J., 1994Respir J., , 7, 1294Respir J., -1299