Abstract. It has been shown that a rhenium-(I)-It has been shown that a prolonged oral administration of amphiphilic rhenium-(I)-diselenoether complex allowed a dose-dependent uptake of the two major components of this drug, rhenium (Re) and selenium (Se) in healthy tissues, with highest uptake by the liver (1). Assays of these two elements have not yet been performed in tumorsThe combination of Se with a metal has already been described, with nickel as the metal (2). In that case, the presence of Se in the active site of hydrogenase enhanced its enzymatic property. Selective incorporation of Se into the active site of the molybdenum-iron (Mo-Fe) protein is essential for the catalytical effect of nitrogenase (3). Ironselenium ferredoxin with two clusters [4Fe-4Se] is present in the active site of a hydrogenase (4), with the same role as the iron-sulfur ferredoxin as a two-electron carrier.It is known that Re is able to bind DNA reversibly and that Re is found in the nucleus of malignant cells after the administration of Re-diselenoether (1, 5). It was also shown that the Re-diselenoether formed mono-adducts and bisadducts with a methyl-guanine, but also liberated the weakly chelating diselenoether ligand [supplementary material in (5)].Therefore we can hypothesize that while the Re core will have a role by interacting with DNA guanine bases, the diselenoether ligand will take Se to other targets.The anticancer activity of Re-diselenother has been demonstrated in experimental models of resistant triplenegative breast tumors (MDA-MB231), in malignant cells in culture, as well as after oral (5) or intraperitoneal administration (6) to tumor-bearing mice, at a daily dose of 10 mg/kg/day for 4 weeks, which was safe for the animals. The Re-diseleno ether compound we used, constituted an original chemical combination, and we aimed to complete the investigation of its biological role in an experimental model of cancer.The aim of this experiment was to test a lower dose of 5 mg/kg and to compare it with a 10-mg/kg dose. We evaluated the Re-complex as a single agent and in combination with paclitaxel, considered as a standard 5813