100 percent of the transuranic tanks 99 percent of the long-lived akha emitters 99 percent of the long-lived gamma emitters 90 percent of the mobile radionuclides The majorig of the hazardous chemical waste. Recommends that the Tri-Party Agreement stakeholders use the methodology of this document in re-evaluating criteria and milestones in the current agreement. This is in accord with the Secretary of Energy and Vice President Gore's initiative to reinvent government and apply new and innovative techniques. Implementation of the risk-based strategy presented here would result in a cost savings of over $600 million in construction and operation of SST retrieval systems, and would signipcantly reduce the volume of glass requiring disposal. This document demonstrates that sluicing waste from 63 tanks, which represent only I percent of the overall risk, is not warranted. Of these 63 tanks, 43 contain no purhpable liquid, and are ready for closure immediately. After saltwell pumping is completed, the 20 other tanks would be available for closure. Removing these tanks from active storage status would result in additional cost savings.