SUMMARYIn groups of Chinese patients with duodenal ulcer and controls, increasing the dose of pentagastrin from the standard dose of 6 ug/kg to either 9 ug/kg or 12 ug/kg did not result in any change in the maximum acid output (MAO) Using a 'standard' dose of histamine acid phosphate (0-04 mg/kg) as stimulus, the maximum acid output (MAO) of Indians (Vakil and Mulekar, 1965;Goyal et al., 1966;Desai et al., 1969) and Singaporean Chinese (Fung, 1970) 15 March 1977 because of its safety has been regarded as the stimulant of choice (Baron, 1970).In this study, the effect on acid secretion after a standard dose of pentagastrin was compared with doses of 9 ug/kg and 12 ug/kg in a series of Chinese patients with duodenal ulcer and controls. In addition, the parietal cell mass of a group of duodenal ulcer subjects was estimated and correlated with their corresponding MAO.
MAXIMUM ACID OUTPUTSixty-eight patients with duodenal ulceration proven by barium studies, endoscopy, and/or subsequent surgery were studied. In 24 patients the MAO in the hour after subcutaneous doses of 6 ug/kg and 9 ug/ kg of pentagastrin was measured, and in 44 MAO was estimated after doses of 6 ug/kg and 12 ug/kg. Twenty-two healthy subjects acted as controls.Their MAO was measured after doses of 6 ug/kg and 9 ug/kg pentagastrin.