Purpose: This study describes the effects of 0.3 mg.kg -~ mivacurium in 180 paediatric patients between the ages of one month and 13 yr. Methods: Alternate patients at each of two geographic sites received nitrous oxide-halothane or nitrous oxide-opioid anaesthesia. Neuromuscular blockade was monitored by electromyography (Datex NHI-). Blood pressure and heart rate were recorded from an automated oscillometer. Tracheal intubation was performed 90 sec after administration of mivacurium and conditions were judged by the Krieg scale. Results: There was no difference in the time course of block between anaesthetics or geographic sites. The average time to 90% block and 25% recovery was 1,0 min and 8.0 min at one month vs 2,3 min and 9.8 min at 12.5 yr of age, Intubation conditions were better during opioid (excellent in 92%) than during halothane anaesthesia (excellent in 78%) (P = 0.03). Diaphragmatic movement was less frequent in younger patients (P < 0.001). Intubation conditions did not differ between the two geographic sites. In the first minute after mivacurium, systolic and diastolic blood pressures decreased (P < 0.001 ) to similar extents in all patients. A transient increase in the redness of the skin of the face, trunk, and/or arms was noted during both anaesthetics (28% of infants, and 61% of chilclren over five yr of age).
Conclusion:The time course of block produced by mivacudum is more rapid in younger paediatric patients. The time course of mivacurium does not have the transatlantic v~ation which has been observed for vecuronium. Physiological changes suggestive of histamine release were frequent. Intubation conditions were very likely to be acceptable 90 sec a~er 0.3 mg'kg -~ mivacurium.Objectif : Cette &ude d&rit les effet de 0,3 mg.kg -I de mivacurium chez 180 patients p~diatriques ag~ de un mois 13 ans. M~thodes : Sur deux sites g~ographiques diff&ents, les patients ont re~u de fa~on alternative une anesth&ie halothane-N~0 ou opiac&N20. Le bloc neuromusculaire a ~t~ surveill~ par ~lectromyog~phie (Datex NMT). La pression art&ielle et la fr~quence cardiaque ont at~ enregistr~s par un appareil automatique fonctionnant par oscillom&rie. I'intubation trach~ale a &~ r~alis& 90 sec apr~s I'administration de mivacurium et les conditions ~valu&s selon I'&helle de Krieg. R~sultats : II n'y av~ pas de difference dans les caract~ristiques temporelles du bloc selon I'anesth&ie ou selon le site g~ographique. Le temps moyen pour obtenir 90% de bloc neuromusculaJre d'une part et 25% de r~cup~ration d'autre part ~tait de 1,0 min et de 8,0 min ~ I'~.ge de I mois vs 2,3 min et 9,8 min ~ 12,5 ans. Les conditions d'intubation ~taient meilleures sous anesth&ie avec opiac~ (excellentes = 92%) que sous anesth&ie ~ I'haJothane (excellentes = 78%) (P=0,03). Les mouvements diaphragmatiques Etalent moins fraquents chez les patients plus jeunes (P<0,00 I). Les conditions d'intubation ~ent analogues sur les deux sites g~ographiques. Durant la premi&e minute apr~s le mivacurium, les pressions systolique et diastolique ont dim...