SUMMARYVisible ozone injury oti leaves of tbree clover species was investigated in relation to species, leaf age and exposure dynamics. It was sbown that ozone episodes iti soutb-west Sweden cause visible injury to subterraneati clover {Trifotium subterraneum L,), white clover {Trifotium repens L.) and red clover {Trifotium pratense L.). Trifotium subterranean was most sensitive to ozone, wbilst T. pratense was least sensitive. Application of tbe anti-ozonant, etbylenediurea (EDU), reduced the extent of visible ozone injury, but did not give complete protection with the concentrations used. Similarly, filtration of tbe air reduced tbe extent of visible injury in T. subterraneum enclosed in open-top chambers, EDU-treated plants of T. subterranean accumulated more biomass than the non-EDU treated plants after a period witb rather high ozone concentrations, wbile tbe opposite occurred for T. pratense. Experiments with T. subterraneum in open-top chambers also sbo-wed that older leaves were more sensitive to ozone tban younger leaves and tbat a shorter period witb higher ozone concentrations produced more ozone injury tban a longer period witb lower ozone concentrations, altbougb tbe two periods bad tbe same number of ppbhours.