Background: Radiation protection in paediatric radiology deserves special attention as children are supposed to be more sensitive to radiation than adults.
Aim: This study was designed to evaluate the radiation doses for paediatric patients undergoing diagnostic chest X-ray examination.
Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional survey, which targeted paediatric patients of (0-10) years who were referred by their physicians for chest X-rays examination. The data used for this work were generated using a Thermoluminescence dosimeter (TLD) chip. One TLD chips was placed in the front of the chest to measure the Entrance Surface Dose (ESD) (µGy) and another at the back of the patient directly opposite the one in front to measure the Exit Dose (ED) (µGy). Patient dose, age, ESD, ED and absorbed dose were obtained. The obtained data were analyzed using descriptive statistics.
Results: The mean ESD, ED and absorbed dose values were 1.8330± 1.122mGy, 1.0913± 0.7505mGy and 0.7520 ± 3.8160mGy respectively. The ED values in chest X-rays were 0.73± 0.30mGy for age group <1 year, 1.15± 0.91mGy for age group 1-5 years and 6-10 years 1.09± 0.75mGy. The ESD were 3.06 ± 1.76mGy for age group <1, 3.02± 2.04mGy for age group 1-5 years and 6-10 years 1.83± 1.12mGy. The absorbed dose values obtained were 1.88± 1.75mGy for age group <1 year, 1.88± 1.67mGy for age group 1-5 years and 0.75± 3.82mGy for age group 6-10 year.
Conclusion: The values for Exit Dose, Entrance Surface Doses, and Absorbed Dose have been determined and it was found to be slightly higher than UNSCEAR values.
Keywords: Children, Diagnostic reference level, Radiation.