For clinical radiotherapy, the majority of current practice utilizes photon (also known as X-ray) beams. However, in addition to photon therapy, clinical radiation may also be delivered with particle therapy, the most common being proton therapy. Fewer than 1% of radiotherapy patients worldwide are treated with protons, though the number is increasing as new facilities are established. The rationale for the rapid establishment of proton centers can be explained through an understanding of the physical benefits of particle therapy compared with photons.Photon radiation dose, as a function of depth in the patient, initially rises then declines exponentially as photons are absorbed. In other words, a photon beam deposits dose along the entire path between the entry and exit sites of the body. In contrast to photons, when protons penetrate matter, they slow down continuously as a function of depth. The rate of their energy loss (called linear energy transfer [LET]) increases with decreasing velocity. This dose deposition continues until the entire energy is depleted and then they come to an abrupt stop. This process of dose deposition produces a characteristic depth-dose curve termed the Bragg curve. The point of highest dose is called the Bragg peak. The depth of the peak (ie, the range of protons) is a function of initial energy. Dose deposited beyond the range is negligible. The practical benefits of protons can be seen in Fig. 1.For both photons and protons, the treatment technologies continue to evolve. In the early-1990s, radiotherapy with
AbstractGliomas represent a broad spectrum of disease with life-expectancy outcomes ranging from months to decades. As our understanding of the molecular profiles of gliomas expands rapidly, practitioners are now better able to identify patients with favorable versus nonfavorable prognoses. Radiation therapy plays a key role in glioma treatment, improving disease control and oftentimes survival. However, for survivors, either long-term or short-term, radiation-induced cognitive impairments may negatively impact their quality of life. For patients with both favorable and unfavorable prognoses, intensity modulated proton therapy (IMPT) may offer significant, yet unproven benefits. IMPT is the newest and most advanced proton delivery technique, one with substantial benefits compared with historical proton techniques. IMPT allows practitioners to maximize the physical benefits of protons, increasing normal tissue sparing and reducing the potential for adverse effects. For more aggressive tumors, the dose conformality and normal tissue sparing afforded by IMPT may also allow for dose escalation to target volumes. However, in order to truly maximize the clinical potential of IMPT, the field of radiation oncology must not only implement the most advanced technologies, but also understand and capitalize on the unique biologic aspects of proton therapy.