Recently, the developers of Eclipse have recommended the use of ionization chambers for all profile scanning, including for the modeling of VMAT and stereotactic applications. The purpose of this study is to show the clinical impact caused by the choice of detector with respect to its ability to accurately measure dose in the penumbra and tail regions of a scanned profile. Using scan data acquired with several detectors, including an IBA CC13, a PTW 60012, and a Sun Nuclear EDGE Detector, three complete beam models are created, one for each respective detector. Next, using each beam model, dose volumes are retrospectively recalculated from actual anonymous patient plans. These plans include three full‐arc VMAT prostate plans, three left chest wall plans delivered using irregular compensators, two half‐arc VMAT lung plans, three MLC‐collimated static‐field pairs, and two SBRT liver plans. Finally, plans are reweighted to deliver the same number of monitor units, and mean dose‐to‐target volumes and organs at risk are calculated and compared. Penumbra width did not play a role. Dose in the tail region of the profile made the largest difference. By overresponding in the tail region of the profile, the 60012 diode detector scan data affected the beam model in such a way that target doses were reduced by as much as 0.4% (in comparison to CC13 and EDGE data). This overresponse also resulted in an overestimation of dose to peripheral critical structure, whose dose consisted mainly of scatter. This study shows that, for modeling the 6 MV beam of Acuros XB in Eclipse Version 11, the choice to use a CC13 scanning ion chamber or an EDGE Detector was an unimportant choice, providing nearly identical models in the treatment planning system.PACS number: