Combined conductive and radiative heat transfer through a gray, absorbing, emitting, and scattering medium with internal heat generation in a finite cylindrical enclosure is analyzed. The radiative transport equation is solved by the discrete ordinates method using the DOT-IV transport code, which is coupled to a compatible control-volume-based finite-difference code for the temperature field calculations. The coupled radiative transfer and the energy equations are solved by an iterative procedure. The effects of the conduction-radiation parameter, scattering, optical thickness, and wall emissivity on the medium temperatures and surface heat fluxes are discussed. Nomenclature a = aspect (half-height-to-radius) ratio, H/R I = dimensionless radiation intensity, i/4oT 4 w k = thermal conductivity N = conduction-radiation parameter, kp/4dT 3 w Q R = dimensionless radiative heat flux, q R /oT* w Q T = dimensionless total heat flux, q T /oT 4 w r -position vector T w = wall temperature U = dimensionless internal heat generation, up P = extinction coefficient, K 4-o e =wall emissivity 6 = dimensionless temperature, T/T W K = absorption coefficient o = scattering coefficient a = Stefan-Boltzmann constant r = optical distance, PS, s = r or z T R ,T H = optical depths in the r-, ^-direction, PR, PH fl = direction vector co = single scattering albedo, a/P V T = dimensionless gradient operator, P~l V