We present a male patient with DownTurner mosaicism (45,X/46,X, + 21147,XY, + 21) and review 27 similar cases reported so far. Clinical features of Down's syndrome were present in all cases, whereas a combination of features of both UlirichTurner syndrome and Down's syndrome was reported in 61% of the patients. However, one has to bear in mind that several stigmata of Ullrich-Turner syndrome can also be present in patients with Down's syndrome and vice versa.In 19 May 1994 Chromosomal aneuploidy is quite frequent and may involve autosomes, as in Down's syndrome, or sex chromosomes, as in UllrichTurner syndrome. In contrast, double aneuploidy involving both autosomal and sex chromosomes is very rare. Sex chromosomal aneuploidy in combination with trisomy 21 includes Down-Klinefelter, Down-XXX, Down-XYY, and Down-Turner syndrome.lA Of these, Down-Turner syndrome is one of the most rare with only 27 cases being reported so far. We present a new case of Down-Turner mosaicism (45,X/46,X, + 21/47, XY, + 21), which was found during routine screening of a 59 year old male to confirm the clinical diagnosis of Down's syndrome and to rule out an inherited translocation. Cytogenetic and clinical features of all known cases are reviewed.Case report A 59 year old male, institutionalised from the age of 8 years, was presented for cytogenetic analysis to confirm the clinical diagnosis of Down's syndrome and to rule out the presence of an inherited chromosome aberration. The proband was the fourth child of non-consanguineous parents. There had been one miscarriage between the first and second children. At birth both parents were 40 years old. There was no family history of either Down's or Turner's syndrome. When the proband was 7 months old, psychomotor retardation was noticed. He walked at the age of 2 years 6 months and developed speech at 5 years. At the age of 7, he weighed 20X7 kg (25th centile) with a height of 117 cm (25th centile), and features of Down's syndrome were first noticed then. Clinical neurological investigation at the age of 32 was normal, but a pneumoencephalogram showed periventricular atrophy. Substitution therapy was started for primary hypothyroidism when he was 49 years old. On the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale his total psychological score was 4 years 8 months at the age of 53. However, he was able to write and read. A few years later a moderate bilateral perception hearing loss was diagnosed, with a loss of 35 dB on the left and 53 dB on the right (Fletcher index). He has recently developed diabetes mellitus type II which was treated orally.Recent investigation showed a well nourished, short statured male with a height of 156 cm (<3rd centile) and a weight of 64-5 kg (50th centile). He had a brachycephalic skull with a head circumference of 52-3 cm (<3rd centile). His hair was sparse and there was a low posterior hairline. He had a round face with small, upward slanting palpebral fissures, a flat midface, and a normal tongue. His ears were asymmetrical and measured 7 cm (75th to 97th c...