Following its flyby and first imaging the Pluto-Charon binary, the New Horizons spacecraft visited the Kuiper-Belt-Object (KBO) (486958) 2014 MU 69 (Arrokoth). Imaging showed MU 69 to be a contact-binary, made of two individual lobes connected by a narrow neck, rotating at low spin period (15.92 h), and having high obliquity (∼ 98 • ) 1 , similar to other KBO contact-binaries inferred through photometric observations 2 . The origin of such peculiar configurations is puzzling, and all scenarios suggested for the origins of contact-binaries [3][4][5] fail to reproduce such properties and their likely high frequency. Here we show that semisecular perturbations 6, 7 operating only on ultra-wide (∼ 0.1−0.4 Hill-radius 8 ) KBO-binaries can robustly lead to gentle, slow-speed binary mergers at arbitrarily high obliquities, but low rotational velocities, that can reproduce MU 69 's (and similar oblique contact binaries) characteristics. Using N-body simulations, we find that ∼ 15% of all ultra-wide binaries with cosine-uniform inclination distribution 5, 9 are likely to merge through this process. Moreover, we find that such mergers are sufficiently gentle as to only slightly deform the KBO shape, and can produce the measured rotation speed of MU 69 . The semi-secular contact-binary for-1