Peritoneal dialysis-associated peritonitis (PD-associated peritonitis) could influence the outcome of PD patients, including technique survival. Although the use of the twin-bag system has decreased the incidence of peritonitis, the effects of biocompatible PD solutions are controversial. Additionally, since both infection-causing microorganisms and antimicrobial therapies have changed over time, the duration of treatment of peritonitis (the duration of peritonitis) seems to have changed. The study included 527 patients who received PD between January 1980 and December 2012 at a single center. We divided patients undergoing PD into three groups according to the type of PD system used, namely single-bag and conventional PD solutions (S+C group, N = 145), twin-bag and conventional PD solutions (T+C group, N = 171) and twin-bag and biocompatible PD solutions (T+B group, N = 211), and analyzed PD-associated peritonitis incidences. Incidences of PD-associated peritonitis (times per patient-months) and peritonitis-free time were 1/59.4, 1/70.6 and 1/103.1, and 52, 97, and 100 months for the S+C, T+C and T+B groups, respectively. The duration of peritonitis, has thus, become dramatically shorter in recent years. Streptococcus sp. were associated with shortest and fungi with longest durations of peritonitis. Staphylococcus sp. and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were predominant in the S+C group. The twin-bag system has made a greater contribution to reductions in PD-associated peritonitis than biocompatible PD solutions. Furthermore, changes in microorganisms, antimicrobial therapies, patient education and improved PD system devices have presumably affected the reduction in the duration of peritonitis.