A systematic experimental study of inclusive pion double charge exchange in 4 He has been undertaken. The reaction 4 He(π + , π − )4p was observed at incident energies 120, 150, 180, 240 and 270 MeV; the 4 He(π − , π + )4n reaction was observed at incident energies 180 and 240 MeV. At each incident energy, the doubly differential cross section was measured at three to five outgoing pion laboratory angles between 25 • and 130 • . At each angle, cross sections were measured over the range of outgoing pion energies from 10 MeV up to the kinematic limit for the reaction in which the final state consists of the oppositely charged pion plus four free nucleons.The spectra of outgoing pions are strikingly different from those observed for the inclusive double charge exchange reaction in heavier nuclei, but resemble those observed in the (π − , π + ) reaction in 3 He. The forward-angle spectra in the 3 He and 4 He reactions exhibit a prominent peak at high outgoing pion energies. Interpretation of the peaks in 3 He ( 4 He) as a three-(four-)nucleon resonance is ruled out by kinematic analysis. The results of a calculation, wherein the double charge exchange reaction is assumed to proceed as two sequential single charge exchange interactions, suggest that the high-energy peak is naturally explained by this double scattering mechanism.Non-static treatment of the πN interactions and the inclusion of nuclear binding effects appear to be important in reproducing the shape of the energy spectra at forward angles.Pion double charge exchange (DCX), a nuclear reaction in which two units of charge are exchanged between a pion and a nucleus, is an important tool with which to investigate the details of the pion-nucleus interactions as well as correlations between nucleons within the nucleus. DCX is unique among pion-nuclear scattering reactions, as it must involve at least two nucleons in order to conserve charge. Thus, the physiognomy of the DCX process revealed by the experimental cross section depends on the coordinates of two particles in the wavefunction of the nucleus. As a probe of the pion-nucleus interaction, DCX may be used to isolate contributions from different types of reaction mechanisms. Other pion-nucleus reactions appear to be dominated by single scattering mechanisms, but DCX must proceed through less simple mechanisms such as double scattering, as shown in Fig. 1(a).An experimental investigation of DCX in 4 He at intermediate energies has been performed in order to study the multiple scattering mechanisms of the π-nucleus reaction directly. The choice of 4 He as a nuclear target allows an investigation of DCX in an extensively studied few-body system for which microscopic treatment of the dynamics is possible in principle. At the same time, the 4 He nucleus has a large density which may allow some effects of the nuclear medium to be investigated. The final state is also relatively simple, consisting of a pion and either four protons or four neutrons, resulting from, respectively, the reactions 4 He(π + , π − )...