“…Although Bornstein (1998) has discovered that mock jurors who are sympathetic to the plaintiff are more likely to find the defendant responsible for injuries in a civil lawsuit, civil jurors report their concerns that some plaintiffs exaggerate or even fabricate their injury claims (Hans, 2000). Experimental research (Feigenson, 2000;Feigenson, Connective-Tissue Injuries 5 Park, & Salovey, 1997;Vidmar, Lee, Cohen & Stewart, 1994;Zickafoose & Bornstein, 1999) confirms that jurors in certain cases show an anti-plaintiff bias, ascribing some responsibility even to plaintiffs who are legally blameless. Mock jury research on comparative negligence has found double discounting, where jurors combine liability judgments and compensatory damage awards in a way that increases the negative effect of a plaintiff's contributory fault (Bornstein, 1998;Feigenson et al, 1997;Greene, 1989;Horowitz & Bordens, 1990;MacCoun, 1993).…”