We show that (specifically scaled) equations of shear-free null geodesic congruences on the Minkowski space-time possess intrinsic self-dual, restricted gauge and algebraic structures. The complex eikonal, Weyl 2-spinor, SL(2, C) Yang-Mills and complex Maxwell fields, the latter produced by integervalued electric charges ("elementary" for the Kerr-like congruences), can all be explicitly associated with any shear-free null geodesic congruence. Using twistor variables, we derive the general solution of the equations of the shear-free null geodesic congruence (as a modification of the Kerr theorem) and analyze the corresponding "particle-like" field distributions, with bounded singularities of the associated physical fields. These can be obtained in a straightforward algebraic way and exhibit non-trivial collective dynamics simulating physical interactions.