A recent parametrization of two-proton separation energies in O and Ne nuclei allows a prediction of the energy of 11 O(g.s.): S 2p = −5.41(11) MeV, which is considerably more unbound than another recent estimate.I recently considered a series of N = 8 and 10 neutronexcess nuclei and their Z = 8 and 10 proton-excess mirrors [1]. The N = 8 and 10 nuclei included were those whose ground states (g.s.) consisted of a two-neutron configurationmixed 0 + pair coupled to a predominantly p-shell core. The mirror energy difference (MED) was defined as the difference between the two-neutron separation energy in the neutronexcess nucleus and the two-proton separation energy in the proton excess mirror:− S 2p (proton-excess mirror).I noted that these MED's could be well described by a simple parametrization,where P (s 2 ) is the fractional parentage in the 2s 1/2 orbital, normalized such that P (s 2 ) + P (d 2 ) + P (p shell) = 1, and Z < is 6 and 8 for O and Ne nuclei, respectively. Values of S 2p computed [1] from the fit agreed remarkably well with experimental S 2p 's [2]. I used the fit to estimate P (s 2 ) for 13 B and to predict the mass excess of 15 Ne(g.s.). Here, I apply the procedure to the 11 Li/ 11 O mirror pair.The nucleus 11 Li [3] is by far the most studied of the so-called halo nuclei. Most treatments consider it as a loosely bound 2n pair (S 2n = 0.369 MeV [2]) coupled to a p-shell 9 Li core. Calculations and opinions vary as to the amount of s 2 in the 2n wave function and as to whether a d 2 component should be included. A recent summary [4] included the relevant references. Estimates of P (s 2 ) vary from about 0.23 to about 0.50, although values of 0 and 1 have also been considered. Examination of the matter radius [5-7] led us to suggest P (s 2 ) = 0.33(6) [4]. With this value of P and the fit from Ref.[1], the expected S 2p is −5.41(11) MeV. If P (s 2 ) were 1, the value would be −4.12 MeV. These results are listed in Table I. Charity et al. [8] recently observed the double-isobaricanalog state (DIAS) of 11 Li in 11 B at an excitation energy of